About Us

  • Michael Helme

    Michael coordinates New Yorkers for Cool Refrigerant Management, bringing his background in translating Chinese medicine to the task of interpreting refrigerant geek speak.

  • Marcy Denker

    Marcy is a landscape designer who helps cultivate our web page. She chairs the Nyack Sustainability Committee, Nyack Tree Committee and Rockland Composters.

  • Tara Vamos

    Tara is a member of Philipstown’s Climate Smart Task Force and a native of Albany who literally and figuratively helps us find our way around Albany.

  • Tilden Chao

    Tilden is a junior at Yale University who helps support group advocacy. He researches refrigerants at Yale's Carbon Containment Lab.

  • Janelle Peotter

    Janelle is a retired social worker who is active with New Paltz Climate Action Coalition and other regional groups.

Our Consultants

We are frequently joined by a senior policy analyst from the Environmental Investigation Agency, a retired staff member of NYSDEC, an owner of a refrigerant leak detection equipment shop, refrigerant specialists from VEIC, a freeze-drying consultant and an array of other climate activists and specialists from around the state.

Join Our Meetings!

We welcome participation and contributions from local community groups, municipal staff, non-profits, and technicians and professionals from all industries involved in refrigerant management. We meet online every other Wednesday to collaborate and share information.
